xft GmbH has been building SAP® business process software for more than 8 years. xft is headquartered in Walldorf, Germany with sales and service locations around the world.
xft is a growing company with productized add-on components to SAP ERP Human Capital Management (SAP ERP HCM), SAP ERP, SAP Product Lifecycle Management (SAP PLM), and many other modules. xft’s development focus lies on building cutting-edge solutions to structure document centric business processes in world class organization.
Our services for xft: marketing services: strategic marketing plans, US product launch for xft personnel file product, master slides show development, flyer development, website content creation, website editing, trade show staffing, booth design, email marketing to select SAP customers nationwide, multi-step mailings to prepare for trade show, trade show follow-up, fully scripted presentations, self-running movies with narrated demonstrations, website editing, follow-up marketing campaigns; sales activities: lead tracking with web based CRM tools, on-line customer presentations, pricing, proposals, partner management, technical presales, sales cycle management.
SNP AG has been building SAP® platform transformation software for more than 12 years. SNP is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany with sales and service locations around the world.
SNP AG is a leading supplier of software and software-related services for the transformation of business enterprise systems triggered by the restructuring of companies or by technical innovation. SNP supplies a standard software product called SNP Transformation Backbone®.
Our services for snp: marketing services: marketing workshops, marketing messaging and texting, email marketing to select SAP customers nationwide, multi-step mailings, mailings in preparation for SAPPHIRE, follow-up marketing campaigns, interaction with marketing partners; sales activities: lead tracking with web based CRM tools, phone follow-up and lead tracking, meeting setup and preparation, lead transitioning.
CONET is an internationally-recognized specialist for the integration of SAP NetWeaver® and IBM Lotus Domino® on the basis of standard software.With the SAP-certified products MENTOR (Repository Manager) and TRANSLATOR (XInotes® Adapter), as well as COACH for groupware integration, CONET makes sure of professional data and process integration: quickly, efficiently and comprehensively.
Our services for CONET: marketing services: marketing strategy, collateral review, trade show representation at SAPInsider CRM and SAPPPHIRE, slide show development, self running recorded presentations, webinar presentation, SAP TechEd session presentation, emailing campaigns; sales support: trade show lead follow-up, on-site sales presentation, sales proposals, building a relationship to existing customers.
Kern on Kern AG: “The more competition businesses face the more likely they are to use SAP software. Exactly those are the companies for which Kern AG tailors its solutions, products and services. We feel right at home in the world of SAP. As former SAP consultants and due to our close relationship with our customers we are well aware of the powerful impact SAP has. But we also know how complex it is. We simplify working with SAP by making procedures transparent and processes more effective. Streamlined Reproduction Of Complex Events: We stand for this motto with our name. Solutions for management accounting with SAP and business process modeling are our core competencies.”
Our services for Kern AG: marketing services, strategic marketing plan, market evaluation, arranged interviews with market specialists and CFOs, sales support on site for workshop, value propositions and elevator speech development, trade show selection, marketing messaging, collateral editing, white paper editing by native speakers, location scouting, what-it-takes reviews, decision making support, second phase planning, launch requirements, sales support.
Testimonial by Eckhard Moos, Vorstand Kern AG:
“Um es vorweg zu nehmen: Nein, wir sind noch nicht drüben. Aber Jochen Hager begleitet unser US-Vorhaben in menschlich sowie fachlich überzeugender Weise. Die authentische Persönlichkeit von Jochen Hager hat mich schon beim ersten Kennenlernen eingenommen, so dass wir als Kern AG bereits wenige Monate später Jochens Anregung zur Teilnahme an einer SAP-Fachmesse in Orlando umgesetzt haben. Während der Vorbereitung dieses Termins und noch deutlicher während der gemeinsamen Studienreise zur Sondierung der Marktchancen habe ich in den analytischen Gesprächen über Land und Leute, Familie und Beruf, Markt und Chancen in den USA sehr viel mitgenommen und Jochens Rat sehr schätzen gelernt. Kurzum: Ich kann die Zusammenarbeit mit Jochen Hager als echten persönlichen sowie unternehmerischen Gewinn empfehlen. – Und warum sind wir noch nicht drüben: Wir werden seit Monaten von den Geschäften in Old Europe überrollt, wagen aber bei nächster Gelegenheit den Schritt in die Vereinigten Staaten – selbstverständlich in enger Kooperation mit Jochen Hager und seinem Team.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]
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- Jochen Hager
- +1 (484) 716-1210
- info (at) jcbde.com
- www.jcbde.com